
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Trouble with Blogging

I recently read a blog post from a pastor/writer about his and his wife's struggle with infertility. And while there were some good points in the blog and I'm sure others struggling with infertility could relate to some of the emotions he was sharing, it was misleading and I was reminded of the trouble of blogging. Some great advice was given to me when I started ministry about sharing testimonials. Its always advised that you don't share about something that you are currently struggling with, it should be something from the past. This is because you have had time to see the outcome and the full lesson. When you are in the midst of something God's plan hasn't fully been revealed to you or you are still processing the information. When you share about it before it's over you risk sharing something false, that you'll later have to retract. But when sharing at a retreat there's a good chance you won't see those people again, and for sure with the thousands or millions of people a blog can reach, you may never un-do the damage you have done by speaking falsely. Blogging is so instant, and so often people use it as an outlet when struggling with something, especially with infertility. I know I have read quite a few infertility blogs and with it read so many pieces of advice that have been given out that are only making things worse for those that are struggling. I will give them a little grace because they are infertility blogs and I take them as a form of online journals and hopefully others see them that way too. But this blog was from a pastor who had quite a large following of people who are looking to him for spiritual guidance. It's a good reminder for me of the importance of every word I put on-line. Each sentence can impact someones life for the better or for the worse. I pray that the words I write may be exactly what people need to hear and never lead them down the wrong path.

If you'd like my thoughts on infertility, watch for a post soon. I want to prayerfully consider it before it's posted. :)

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