
Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Gift that Keeps Giving

“I made known to them your name and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them.” John 17:26

Recently, my brother-in-law, who is the jokester, of the family gave 3 pet rabbits to his younger sister as a gift. This of course meant that my mother and father-in-law got 3 new pets to take care of that they didn’t ask for or want. I think they have been pretty great sports about the whole situation as they made a cage and continue to keep and feed the “unwanted” pets. A few days before Christmas, they went to the cage only to find their 3 rabbits had been joined by 7 tiny baby bunnies! The kids were overjoyed! Their parents had a different sentiment. As outsiders not affected by the situation we could simply smile and say, “It’s the gift that keeps giving!” (and pray our son doesn’t get a baby bunny for his birthday as our punishment for mocking the situation.)
Lucky for us, we received a gift more than 2000 years ago that keeps giving: Jesus Christ. He walked on earth with us, and now the Holy Spirit is with us everywhere we go. He lives in us and beauty of it all is the more we share Him with others, the more joy and love we receive in return. The true “gift that keeps giving.”

Here's a photo of our advent calendar with most* of our Christmas cards, a good visual of how when we give our love away it's returned to us times 10!

I pray that you’ll take advantage of the opportunities that are placed in front of you to love others and let his love and peace continue to multiply in your heart and theirs.

*Thanks to everyone who sent us cards, I absolutely love this time of year, it's so fun to get the mail and there's more than just bills! I took this before Christmas so we're still getting a few straggler cards which I love because it prolongs the fun!

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