
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

There Is a Resurrection

Here is the truth that I know: there is a Resurrection. The truth is that from the complete darkness God created light. The truth is that on the darkest day of the world when we killed our own God and it appeared that evil had triumphed, our awesome Father created life from death. The truth that I know is that God doesn't want death or evil or hurt in our world. He never created us for any of it. But He uses it. When it happens, He uses it to for something incredible.  I have seen this played out in my life a hundred times. I have faced difficult, impossible hurts. I have watched him turn them into beauty in ways I could have never imagined. In the darkness of the hardest moments of our lives, it's so difficult to see what He is doing. That is where I am today. Today looks more like Good Friday than Easter. Today it feels like evil is winning and pain and sadness will reign. But there is a truth I will hold on to on days like today: there will be a resurrection. God will bring greatness from this too. He used the death of one man to make it so all men would never die. He spoke light into darkness in the beginning and He still does it every day. He will grow a huge tree from this tiny mustard seed. This is the truth I know because it's written on my heart and because I have lived it over and over again. It's ok that it doesn't feel like it today. I have cried too many tears today. I am watching-my-world-fall-apart sad today. But I'm writing this because I need the reminder, and I think we all do, that God still reigns. When the news is full of stories that rip at our hearts, when every time we turn around someone new has cancer, when kindness and honesty seem like they've become rare traits, we have to remember God still reigns and He is using it, we just can't see it yet. I will proclaim it daily. I will whisper it every hour or every minute on days like today. There Is A Resurrection.

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