
Monday, March 10, 2014

Stay Long Enough to Find Jesus

I often read the "Word Among Us" daily catholic devotions that follow the daily Mass readings. Today, one line was all I needed. It was a reflection on the commandment to love others as you love God, and the passage where Jesus says "just as you did for the least of these you have done for me."
I am a huge believer that there is good in every person, we just have to look harder to find it in some than we do in others. And it is what we look for that we will find. So if we are looking for flaws we will often miss the good completely. I love hearing people's stories. If I could spend all day just listening to life stories I would be content. There is so much greatness, and so much to be learned, and the more I learn, the more I see Jesus, see that goodness, and come to love others. But at a distance it is easy to dislike or even hate people. When we don't know them or their stories we can easily label them or use a specific thing to tell ourselves they are a "bad" person.
Today, the devotion said, "stay long enough to find Jesus". A great challenge for us all, when we are struggling to find the good in someone then that must be a person that needs us to try harder. Spend more time with them, ask more questions, share more of ourselves so that they will share themselves. Never giving up, and always staying long enough to find Jesus. :)

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