
Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's in the Imperfections

I was putting eggs away tonight when one of them caught my eye. I had to inspect closer to make sure I was seeing clearly. A touch confirmed it. The egg, instead of being smooth like all the others, had a ripple near the top of the egg. The shell had hardened this way. Being new to raising chickens this is the first time I’ve ever seen it, and my mind automatically directed to the thought process on how the egg is created. Of course for it to have this imperfection, at one point it isn’t a hard shell but soft. As I stood there by the sink briefly thinking about what happens every day inside of a chicken to cause this egg to be produced, I was in complete amazement at God and his beautiful design. It’s interesting how I took all of it for granted for months now of getting perfect eggs. Where did I think they came from anyway, the egg stork? I’m the one feeding the chickens and picking the eggs every day, but I suppose in their predictability they never stood out to me. They were what I always expected them to be and I never gave it a second thought. But this little imperfection has me glorifying God for His greatness.

It’s a good reminder for me, that above all of the great things we do for God, it’s most often in showing our imperfections and mistakes that others are able to see him. When we can be vulnerable, when others can see us as “real” people, that’s when we turn their gaze off of us and on to Christ, who in His infinite wisdom uses imperfect people for a perfect plan.  I’ve recently come across two blogs both from amazing women working for Christ, and both mention at one point how they are not as perfect as they might seem on their blogs. It’s an easy thing to miss, because we don’t often sit down to write to the world about when we are judgmental, too crabby with our kids, forget to bring snack, fail to forgive a hurt, or  ______ fill in the blank. But maybe we need to do a little more of that. Showing our biggest flaws so that when our amazing God works His magic and makes us beautiful, the whole world can know it was Him that made something out of nothing.

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